A fascinating world beyond the perception of our naked eyes
Image here shows leaf hair and stomata on hops leaf
Images below were taken using a scanning electron microscope and dissecting scope in collaboration with Dr. Faye Rosin and fellow students, during the project—Leaf Hair in Maples species with Dr. Jake Grossman—at Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University.
Leaf Hair (trichome) on hop’s leaf (Humulus lupulus). The trichome of hops give the distinct beer taste in IPA
Trichomes on the upper mid rib of paper bark maple (Acer griseum)
Trichomes of the leaf lamina of paper bark maple (Acer griseum)
Trichomes and stomata on paper bark maple’s samara
Trichome of Sun Dew (Drosera) holding a fly
Trichome on touch-me-not (Mimosa pudica)
Images below were taken under polarized light after leaf clearing
Longer, lower density of trichomes on the mid rib of Acer mono (in the image here) than Acer campatre and Acer psuedosieboldianum below
Trichomes on the lower leaf vein axils of Acer pseudosieboldianum
Trichomes on the midrib of Acer pseudosieboldianum
Trichomes on the lateral veins of Acer campastre